1999 Quiz
1999 Quiz has questions about TV series, movies, and music. What was the best-selling toy? Could it be a PS2 or a Furby or something else?
What was the most popular car? Some of the answers will surprise you.
My personal memories of the last night of 1999 is a big party. Loads of food, loads of alcohol, and most definitely loads of fireworks. If you remember the last night of last century feel free to tell us using the comment section below.
My favourite comedy of the 1990s was Bottom starring Rick Mayle and Adrian Edmondson. You can find our Bottom Quiz here. We also have the very popular Red Dwarf Quiz which was another massive hit comedy in the Nineties.
In my opinion one the best 90s movies was Pulp Fiction which features in our 1990s Movie Quiz II.
The 90s had bands such as Inspiral Carpets and the Verve. For more 90s nostalgia you should check out our 1990s Music Quiz. If you like something a bit heavier you should check out our 1990s Rock Music Quiz.
Here are some facts about 1999:
The Euro currency was launchedThe singer Dusty Springfield OBE passed awayJK Rowling released her novel Harry Potter and the prisoner of AzkabanPayPal was thought to be one of the worst business ideas ever. How wrong that turned out to be!The whole world was worry about Y2K crashing computer systems. This was due to a programming technicality.The UK witnessed a solar eclipse
Okay now you have a little background information it’s time to crack on with the questions. If you enjoy the 1999 Quiz questions with answers please share it with others.
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