A Quiz All about Wigan
Caution: Contains References to Pies! I’ve lived in Wigan so long that I’ve gone native. I don’t know everything about Wigan, but, these days I can even understand some of the older folk. However, I’ve not yet got into Wigan Warriors the local rugby team. I am a lover of Heinz Baked Beans which are made in Wigan. A few of us at Silicon Hell worked at the factory in Kit Green. So, I thought I would write a quiz all about Wigan.
I’ve lived in Newtown, Highfield and these days are living Pemberton. The changes around The Saddle over the years have been pretty major. They still don’t seem to have sorted out the traffic issues, especially under the bridge near the 7 Stars pub.
Another major change of noticed is the new road, it gives you such a nice view of The Flashes. To be honest I’ve never been there but from the new road it looks beautiful.
So my question to you is “How well do you know Wigan?” The majority of people score 10/16 Can you beat the average and claim the title of Wigan Guru? So what are you waiting for, it will be all reet.
So, put down the Greggs pie, press pause on the Wigan rugby game. Then have a bash on The Siliconhell Quiz All about Wigan:
Try The Wigan Language Quiz
Wigan Warriors Quiz
Pick a Music Quiz